01-29-23 IN CHRIST: Ephesians Part One

Ephesians 1:1-14

Michael Kramer

01-22-23 ABIDE: Abiding in Limbo

How to wait well: Philippians 1 and 4

Dennis Malcolm

01-15-23 ABIDE: Building An Abiding Life

Acts 3

Tyler Woerner, Elder

01-08-23 ABIDE: Abiding in the Midst of Grief

Psalm 77

Michael Kramer

01-01-23 ABIDE: "The Abiding Life"

John 15:1-12

Zach Fleming

12-25-22 Christmas Day Devotional

Christmas Day Devotional, Jodi G, Tyler W, Zach F, Paola R, Michael K

12-18-22 The Coming King: Advancing The Kingdom

Acts 1:4-8

Michael Kramer

12-11-22 The Coming King "Seeing the Risen Jesus"

Luke 24:13-35

Michael Kramer

12-04-22 The Coming King "Darkness Dispelled"

Isaiah 9:1-7

Michael Kramer

11-27-22 The Coming King "The restoring King"

Genesis 49:8-12 The Blessing of Judah

Michael Kramer